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Healthy Eats

Healthy Eats

The food you eat can impact the way you feel - here are some easy tips to start eating a little bit healthier today.

Illustration of a fork and knife
  • Try to eat meals that are at least half vegetables. On a plate, go for 3 veges, followed by a serving of protein (like meat, fish, eggs or beans) and some carbs (pasta, rice, bread).

  • Sneak seeds and nuts into your meals. It’s the easiest way to bump up the nutritional value in your meal. Try sprinkling pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds or almonds over rice, pasta or salads. Or chia seed or flax seeds over cereal.

  • Try to eat more whole foods instead of processed. Try to eat as much whole food closest to its natural form as you can. This will mean you get to have more of the nutrients from the food, as processing breaks down a bit of the food’s nutrients.

  • Read your labels and be mindful of sugar. We don’t believe in depriving yourself – so, enjoy that ice cream! But make sure sugar is a treat – not something you binge on when you're feeling down. Sugar has now been proven in many recent studies to be a major cause behind the rise in obesity, diabetes and other health issues around the world. It can also be quite addictive.

The World Health Organisation now recommends a healthy limit of 6-9 teaspoons of sugar in a day.

Read your food labels. (4g = 1 tsp of sugar)
1 can of soda is:  38g sugar / 4 = 9.5 tsps sugar

  • You need healthy fats. Good fats help us absorb more vitamins, minerals and nutrients in food so it’s important to have a healthy intake of it. Good sources of fats are avocados, eggs, nuts, peanut butter, olive oil, natural whole butter and cheeses.


These are some of our favourite healthy and fun recipes you can try today!

Illustration of a bowl


Want some more easy healthy recipes? Check out these awesome links.

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